Harassed men wrote to Pune Mirror in response to yesterday's front page report about a man's battle against his cruel wife
 | Pune Mirror front page report dated May 15 |
- This is their (wives) nature and their thinking process. That is how they put husbands in the wrong by using Section 498 (A) and other such laws which are designed in favour of wives and not husbands.
Even the police favour the ladies and extract money as do advocates for the sake of earning money to support the women who are their clients while knowing all along that they are in the wrong. They go on believing fabricated sob stories.
This is valid only for those few such wives as mentioned above and not all. I hope this letter gets printed as a mark of support to Mahesh Kalge and other unfortunate husbands like him.
— Ramesh Keswani
- I am a member of this group for the last nine months and we have been reading all issues related to misuse of anti-dowry laws and other topics.
We are doing a great job by helping those of our friends who have suffered a lot from their marriages. I suggest that we ask the government to set up a commision to review the laws which were made a long time ago when women were called abala naari.
But times have changed since then and women are using these laws to harass innocent men. Even the NCW and Kiran Bedi are always trying to portray women as being always the innocent party. I would like feedback on this point, which I feel is a valid one.
— Amol Sharma
- I read your article on the misuse of Section 498 (A) by women to harass their husbands. I have been struggling to get access to my only son since 2004.
He is seven years old and inspite of Family Court orders in my favour, my wife is still denying me access to him.
I would like to meet up with you and share not only my plight but also the agony of thousands of fathers who are facing a similar situation, throughout this country. Looking forward to your positive response.
— Deepak Tiwari
- Dear Sir/Madam, I work as an advocate at Pune Bar Association. I am also sufferring from a similar issue in my life. I want to become a member of SIFF and help out people who are suffering from such problems.
— Pankaj Wankhade
Gr8 Going pune Guys.. Let's don't loose the opportunity. Jai ho...
Source : http://www.punemirror.in/index.aspxpage=article§id=10&contentid=20090516200905160301432758ed0d1eb§xslt=
1 comment:
Very good effort. Well done. Keep it up.
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